Sunday, July 13, 2008

.com oscars!!!

How good will it be to have a oscar kind of award ceremony for the most powerful company? Yeah Forbes has one listing which is totally based on the revenues generated and the profits. but powerful company means a lot more. Can we have a company which is reputed, liked by masses etc etc.
Yes there is an award ceremony for the most powerful company.

The purpose of this website is to give the opportunity to a company to match with the keywords " the Most Powerful Company " for one year. All companies are welcome to bid in order to become the most powerful one for one year.

Each year, a new auction is set up with equal chances for all bidders. Each year, the Most Powerful Company title is at stake.

The winning company will be provided with:
- the top ranking on search engines as "the world's most powerful company" for one year
- one ad of any chosen format
- the possibility to adjust the design of the website to its needs
- a show-off of its marketing creativity

All bidders will be rewarded with a better ranking on websearch engines and a better visibility for world's consumers, which will be reinforced by the polls.

This is an idea by three graduates from a B School and the results are due on July 31. Guess this is the first year and the contest is yet to catch up with the silicon valley biggies. Anyways a good start.

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